The annual Soul-Making Literary Competition is open to everyone, everywhere and looks for original, freshly creative and finely crafted works that embraces all creative interpretations of English poet, John Keats' statement:
"Some say the world is a vale of tears,
I say it is a place of soul-making"**
SOUL, in general, in many religions and
philosophies, is conceived as the animating and vital spiritual principle in human beings; an inner,
immaterial element that, together with the material body, constitutes the human individual.
MAKING is the act of one that makes; the process of coming into being; of realizing potential.
The Soul-Making Literary Competition invites
multifarious works that address soul-making in
innovative and expanded expressions.
**which is itself an interpretation or perhaps a change that comes through extensive usage through the years (as happens more than one might suspect) of the original quote:
"Call the world if you please 'The vale of soul-making.'
(Letter to George and Georgiana Keats, 21 April (1819), in H. E. Rollins (ed.) Letters of John Keats (1958) vol.2)