Rules and Guidelines

Deadline: November 30, 2012 (Postmarked)

All prose works must be typed, double spaced, page numbered, and paper clipped. Please indicate word count on title page.

Poetry must be typed, (double or single spaced okay). One page poems only and only one poem per page, (two-column one-page-poems okay). All poems must be titled.

Do not put your names on your manuscripts, instead, enclose one 3x5 card typed, affixed with a printed label or carefully printed with your name, address, phone, fax, email, and title(s) of work(s) and particular category/categories entered.

Young Adult entrants must indicate age on card and manuscript.

Category must be indicated on 3x5 card as well as on manuscript.You may enter as many categories and as many times as you wish but you may not enter the same work in more than one category.

Previously published works okay (except for Novel Excerpt); however, those winning awards in prior Soul-Making categories may not be resubmitted.

No tear-sheets or photocopies of book pages.No colored paper, hard to read fancy fonts, illustrations or graphics, please.

No mss will be returned; no substitutions or revisions of work will be accepted after initial submission.

IMPORTANT: Entries are sent to judges unidentified. Don't use your real name if referring to yourself in your entry.

Please enclose $5 per entry
payable to NLAPW, Nob Hill Branch

US $ only
International entrants please send Travelers Check
drawn on a USA bank
Send entries to:
The Webhallow House
1544 Sweetwood Dr.,
Broadmoor Vlg., CA 94015-2029
No e-mail entries or those mailed special delivery, certified or registered will be accepted. Do enclose SASE in your entry package if you wish to receive contest results.

Write: The Webhallow House
1544 Sweetwood Drive
Broadmoor Vlg., CA 94015-2029