1st Prize: $100.... 2nd Prize: $50.... Third Prize:.... $25

Category Details

Three poems per entry. One poem per page. One page poems only. We welcome free verse, blank verse and prose poems. Each year a local poet is invited to guest judge. At this point the judge for the current category is yet to be announced. Past judges have included Katherine Harer, Rich Yurman, Patricia Gale, Christopher J. Renz, O.P., David Smith-Ferri, Toby Kaplan, Joyce Jenkins, C. B. Follett, Susan Terris, Janell Moon, Alice Rogoff, Clive Matson, David Alpaugh, Forrest Hamer, Marcia Campbell, Andrena Zawinski, Grace M. Grafton, Adam David Miller, Stewart Florsheim, Marvin R. Hiemstra, Charles and Gail Entrekin, Jeanne Wagner, Erica Goss, Connie Post

About Sponsor

JANICE FARRELL (San Francisco, CA) has a private practice in Spiritual Direction and trains and supervises Spiritual Director interns at Mercy Center Burlingame. She has a degree in Psychology, certification as a Holistic Health Educator Counselor, and has done extensive post grad work in Theology. She invites local poets as annual judges in her eager and full-hearted support of poetry, which she loves deeply.  


Mercy Center Burlingame




First Prize: Teresa Poore of Concord, CA for “A Few Blocks Away”

Second Prize: Phyllis Holliday of San Francisco, CA for “The Elk Herd”

Third Prize: Laura Foley of Pomfret, VT for “Oh Life Me as a Wave, a Leaf, a Cloud”

Honorable Mentions: Lynne Barnes of San Francisco, CA for “G.R.I.T.S...Girls Raised in the South”; Lucille Lang Day of Oakland, CA for “Child' s Grave and Finery”; Lynne Barnes of San Francisco, CA for “Sestina for the South”; Alice Rogoff of San Francisco, CA for “Mendocino Rain”; George Such of Lafayette, LA for “A Week at Nilame