1st Prize: $100.... 2nd Prize: $50.... Third Prize:.... $25

Category Details

Grades 9-12 or equivalent age (which must be indicated on 3" x 5" card as well as mss). Three poems per entry. One poem per page. One page poems only. I am drawn to vivid imagery through word choice and where applied rhyme that rings true (not forcing words into the verse). Look for the ability to succinctly capture an emotion, and a little shock value, used sparingly.

About Judge/Sponsor

SANDY CARON (Los Altos, CA) supports her reading habit as a hospitality consultant, in a company co-owned with her husband. She has been a member of a peninsula book club for over 11 years, and finds bliss through the discovery of new authors, and sharing good material with friends. As an angsted teenager, she indulged in bouts of self-involved poetry, and believes she will be able to identify with all of the subtle messages relayed in the poems submitted by the Young Adults.




First Prize: Michelle Shen of Saratoga, CA for “Intertwined”

Second Prize: Apollo Mettler of Pacifica, CA for “The Entire Town”

Third Prize: Aashna Belenje of Saratoga, CA for “Smile”

Honorable Mentions: Alina Zeng of Sunnyvale, CA for “Haven”; Aarya Macwan of Saratoga, CA for “Release”; Apollo Mettler of Pacifica, CA for “The Colors Fly” and “Wave at the Pacifica Beach”; Ishika Goel of San Jose, CA for “”Renewal”; Angela Lee of Saratoga, CA for “Inevitable”; Karissa Dong of Saratoga, CA for “Blessings”